Sunday, 8 July 2007

The basis of Search Engines ranking

It has been a long time now, let's say I was giving you time to learn your lesson.

Now you master the common vocabulery of Internet Marketing, it is time to go further into this world. In this post, you will learn about the basis of Search Engine Optimisation.

Basically, Search Engines rely mostly on two things : Relevancy and Popularity.
  • Relevancy refers to how much your page matches the user's query. It is based on the keywords keyphrase (you remember ? :) of the query and on the ones used on your page... and others.*
  • Popularity means how popular your page is on Internet (really ?), and especially within the field in which you are ; and also how relevant those other guys are.*
As you can see, those two criterias can hardly be separated. There are others factors too which are speculated to influence rankings, like code validation for example, I will talk about that one day... maybe.

Okay, I hope you have managed to follow that far, today's post was so tough.

Next entry will be about Relevancy... or maybe Popularity... or probably both in fact. From now on, I will not make dates promises I may not keep :)

*Not for today I'm afraid :)